3 Ağustos 2017 Perşembe

Gran Turismo 6 Terms of Use for Online Services bug

If you have an error from your GT, "Unable to connect to the server, as you have not yet agreed to the Terms of Use for Online Services" probably you changed your PSN account language. For workaround this bug, you need to revert back this language change. Also you may see this warning: "You cannot proceed any further without agreeing to the Terms of Use for Online Services"

28 Temmuz 2017 Cuma

Android Studio 3.0, Intellij IDEA 2017 klavye kısayol problemi

Mac kullanıcısı olarak normalde "cmd+." olarak kullandığınız "comment with line comment" Android Studio 3.0 ile çalışmıyor mu? Bunun sebebi Intellij IDEA 2017.1 ile gelen bir bug. Keyboard layoutları için yapılan bir geliştirme var (bundan sonra comment line shortcut'ı Türkçe-Q layout'u için cmd + shift + 7 olarak güncellenecek, ancak bug yüzünden olamıyor)

Mac cihazınızda bu problemi aşmak için yapabileceğiniz;

Help -> Edit Custom Properties diyerek açılan idea.properties dosyasına şu satırı eklemeniz :


Sonrasında idea'yı restart ederek "CMD + ." kısayolunu "comment with line comment" kısayolu için kullanmaya devam edebilirsiniz.

Bug sayfasına ve ilgili workaraound için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz:


6 Haziran 2017 Salı

Unable to import DeviceCheck, CoreNFC in XCode 9 Beta while using Swift

for import DeviceCheck and Core NFC in XCode 9 you need to use real device as target because there is no x86 version of DeviceCheck and Core NFC frameworks.

Related pages:
Unable to import CoreNFC:

Unable to import in CoreNFC in swift project Xcode 9 beta:

31 Mayıs 2017 Çarşamba

How to solve macOS wifi speed fluctuation, low speed problem?

There may be a too many reason but for me, unknowingly, reason is mDNSResponder daemon.

On macOS Sierra version 10.12.4 (I faced same problem El Capitan, too), when I download something in high speeds, sometimes speed drops to 0kbps and after few seconds it starts to download in 100mbps again. This fluctuation occurs occasionally but when it occurs it stays until I restart the computer.

The reason behind this problem is mDNSResponder daemon. For resolve issue, you can;

- Open Activity Monitor
- Jump to Network tab (for finding mDNSResponder process easily)
- click on mDNSResponder
- click X button which left of to the info button.(Force process to quit)
- exit from the process using "Force Quit" button

Or, if you are a terminal guy,

ps aux | grep mDNSResponder
sudo kill -9 <pid>
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